Sunday, January 11, 2009

The End


I'm glad we don't have carpet because I think a spark of static electricity might have ignited our Christmas tree.
I thought I was going to be sad to see Christmas go, and, if you had asked me on New Year's, I would have said yes.
However, I'm ready to move on - to Chinese New Year! We're thinking of throwing a Sarah is getting Old/Year of the Ox party.
When I told Addie that January was my birthday month, she told me she wanted to make me a strawberry cake.
I'm down with that.
When I told her I was turning 35, she said,
"No Mommy, you're turning 40."
That, I am not down with.


Anonymous said...

Oh, those Christmas trees! Except for one live tree in McHenry, I gave up on live trees after the post-Christmas bonfire of holiday trees at St. Dunstan's in Spring, TX. The lovely tree that 30 minutes before was being pulled from the house went up in a WHOOSH of flame in about five seconds, along with 20 or more trees stacked in the church parking lot. Nope, no more!

I am still laughing at Addie's birthday Mommy math, but I do think she is fine with whole numbers, and so far 1, 2 and 3 mean something to her, and maybe 4 because it comes next. But something in between those numbers? What kind of math is that?

auntie snorg said...

Poor sister. Getting older faster than the years can pass. I love that Addie WANTS you to be 40. Already she's sensing your eventual denial!

UM, My tree is still in my apartment solely because it's SO dry i'm not sure i can get away with getting it to the trash downstairs without leaving all the needles throughout my apartment building. I have actually debated waiting til late at night and throwing the darned thing out my front window.

Anonymous said...

I guess Addie is making me turn the 70 corner. Not so fast girl!Now you know why we switched to fake 10 years ago. Boy, is she a tactile learner or what!