Thursday, October 27, 2011

3 Months


I have had "3 month blog post" on my calendar to do list with a note to write and post it today. Guess what. His 3 month birthday was yesterday. How have I already forgotten my son's birth date? It's the 26th, not the 27th. Maybe I get the 7 from July. Who knows. I hope I haven't been filling it our incorrectly on any forms.

So, Xavier turned 3 months yesterday. He has found his voice, cooing to everyone who says hello. "He's talking!" Eliza will say.

He enjoys smiling and looking cute, chirping, sucking on and/or staring at his hands and scratching off his scalp with his razor nails. His poor skin is also so sensitive and dry he feels like a squishy, toy lizard. Still, he's quite adorable. He also rolled over, so far only once, when I put him on his tummy. He scooched his bum up and then gravity took over.

Happy 3 Months, X-man. I can hear you squeaking from the next room. I better go give you a million kisses.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Pumpkin Patches (yes plural)


I feel like we've been gearing up for Halloween for so long that I can't believe it's actually Monday. Guess we need to carve our pumpkins this weekend. We've visited no less than two pumpkin patches this year with friends and the girls got to pet goats at both places. Here we are at Underwood Family Farms doing it up - pig races, petting zoo, pony rides, corn maze, hay ride, and a cow barrel ride. The weather was gorgeous this time as it's usually swelteringly hot out in the Valley. Addie loved everything as did Eliza (minus the pony ride which had her in tears). Check out more photos of our day on the Farm here.



Then the next weekend we went closer to home to Mr Bones Pumpkin Patch in West Hollywood. I guess there are usually celebrities there (we apparently missed Christina Aquilera by a day) so they have a corral for paparazzi cordoned off with hay bales. I wish I had a photo of the paparazzi time-out zone. Hilarious. The girls LOVED holding the chickens and we had to do a reprise of the awesome face painting from two years ago. If the first photo was the girls' debut album cover, this is their sophomore release. Check out more photos from Mr Bones here.



Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Writing Journal

As promised, I scanned in Addie's homework journal.


homework2-we can eat.jpg

homework2-cotton candy.jpg

homework4-a friend can share.jpg

homework5-fav book.jpg

The Official Kindergarten Mug Shot

School photo ACP.jpg

We got Addie's kindergarten school photos back. Cute!

Slouchy too which makes me want to redo it on the make-up photo day. I feel that's something the photographer should be watching out for. Will I make her redo it? Probably not. Her teacher also gave us a progress report. She got check marks in the following areas and her teacher wrote in that Addie "is very creative."

- works well independently (thank you Montessori school!)
- is an outstanding student (she must get that from her dad)
- tries to do his/her best work (again, thanks to Cap)
- listens and follows directions well (obedient like her mom)

She had no areas that needs improvement according to the report, which is fabulous of course but I'm wondering if maybe she could be a little more challenged. Every Monday she comes home with her classwork from the previous week, her graded homework she turned in on Friday and a new packet of work due at the end of the week. Addie enjoys doing her homework but it is a breeze for her right now. They spent a week counting from 1-4 and this week it is 6-10. Really? Addie (okay, I suggested it) asked her teacher for harder homework last week but we haven't seen anything come home yet. Maybe we should just let her enjoy her beginning of kindergarten coasting period. She has a very long day spending almost 10 hours at school - longer than I'm at work. Just writing that makes my heart heavy.

She loves any assignment that involves coloring or drawing and can spend 45 minutes on it. We are still trying to work out the right time for Addie to do her homework. If she doesn't finish it in the after school program, she often isn't able to start it until 7 pm when Eliza goes to bed and a second parent is available to help. Eliza has also demanded that she get homework too so we set her next to Addie, if it's early enough, and Eliza will draw on paper.

Here are some of Addie's drawing and writing assignments. They have one a week that they do in the spiral bound journal. I need to start scanning those in since they are her best work - stay tuned for those!

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Self portrait from her first day of school. I need a hat and shoes like that.

I can pick flowers 9-11.jpg

i read books.jpg

girl 9-11.jpg
I found this on the back of one of her worksheets

sea turtle.jpg
A sea turtle making a hole for its eggs

tiger and bear.jpg
I love this one. A tiger and a bear.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Watts Towers


As I start to panic about my maternity leave ending in a few weeks, I am determined to get out of the house more often leaving behind unwatched episodes of 30 Rock Season 3 and Twin Peaks Season 2.

Wednesday while the girls were in school, we toured the exhibit Beauty Culture at the Annenberg Space for Photography. It made me rethink the vain desire for a tummy tuck, a solution my doctor suggested as the only way I was ever going to get rid of the pulled taffy gut I have. I should rebel against society's vision of beauty and walk around looking 4 months pregnant. When I get asked over the next dozen pre-menopausal years "When are you due?", I will answer, "Yes, a boy in July 2011." Don't worry though. I have neither the cash nor the desire to get chopped up right now.

Yesterday, it was an excursion off the 105 to see Watts Towers, something I've wanted to check out since moving to LA but hadn't ever gotten around to it. It's sort of a one-time, I can check that off my list sort of trip. Today, perhaps some retail therapy and a movie is on the agenda if Xavier cooperates.

The towers tiled in found ceramic objects and broken 7-Up bottles.

And for perspective, here they are plunked down in this residential neighborhood surrounded by a giant fence.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

12 Weeks


Today Prof. X is 12 weeks old. If I hadn't had so many complications with his delivery, I would be heading back to work this week. Not that I'd wish to have so much surgery, but I am happy to have the extra time at home. The thought of being back at work and leaving this little big guy bums me out. I am really digging being home with him and helping out in Addie's kindergarten class as a room parent. I have another month before reality strikes and I go back to work around Thanksgiving. In my modest dream reality, we would live in LA and be able to afford a 4 bedroom house with a yard and a dishwasher. Cap would have an awesome job he loves and sell a screenplay, and I could be at home and volunteer at Addie and Eliza's schools.

Xavier is still a mellow, smiling, happy lad. I just got out his 3-6 months clothes and he has already outgrown his bassinet. Cap and I converted our office space last week, which was probably the breakfast room in the apartment's original floor plan, into a little 63 ft2 room for him. It's in an awkward space between our kitchen and dining room so we couldn't really block it off without some construction and since we rent, that isn't a viable solution. Instead we hung curtains to divide the space, set up a crib, bought him a dresser and kept the mini convertible sofa in there. I got a little DIY crafty and made the window shade thanks to some cool cowboy fabric, a standard window roller shade from Home Depot and some fabric glue. I am having a crib sheet made in this rad bark-print fabric from a shop on Etsy where I had one made for Eliza. I can't wait to get it! I also want to make a mobile but am still brainstorming on a concept. I love hanging out in his little space; it's so calming.



Thursday, October 06, 2011

I Ate My Tooth


Addie lost her first tooth yesterday at school. She swallowed it. But don't ask her about it as she's a little sensitive on the subject.

Her tooth became loose over 2 months ago. So long ago in fact, that we were still a family of four. I was panicked her tooth would fall out while we were in the hospital and that I'd miss this important moment. I remember googling "how long does it take for a tooth to fall out." Apparently, it varies. I immediately ordered this cute pillow from Etsy so I'd be prepared. What I didn't do was manage her expectations for what the tooth fairy would bring. The going rate, at least around here, is $5 for the first tooth and $1 for all subsequent teeth. Plus, some kids get a bonus present with the first tooth. This is what I neglected to plan for or mitigate. Cap went to Walgreens at 10 pm last night to find a special surprise.

Addie wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy and, while there wasn't a tooth to collect in exchange, she woke up with Pokemon cards and $5 under her pillow. She's proud of her new smile which came just in time for school pictures today!

"My tooth fell out today during school. I want a surprise. Thank you. Love, Addie"

Her Tooth Fairy pillow

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A sun with a loose tooth.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Soccer Mom

soccer mom

Sure, I have three kids and drive a minivan, but a soccer mom? As far as I know, Addie has never played with a soccer ball and has to think twice whether its a soccer ball or a basketball. A few months ago she asked, "What's sports?".

While I'm completely lacking in any athletic prowess, unless speed eating is a sport, I do think it is important to cultivate an interest at an early age and then stick with it. I tried a lot of different activities as a kid but never persevered with any one thing long enough to get accomplished it. We have Eliza pegged as our soccer star but Addie's lack of interest in team sports may just be from a lack of introduction. We did, at her request, sign her up for tap class which starts on Thursday and she's still taking swim lessons. Right now she's working on perfecting her side breathing while doing the front crawl. Eliza is almost swimming on her own as her instructor removed her arm floatees last week. She's swimming with just one partially inflated on her leg for a little buoyancy while she gets comfortable. Go Eliza! I'm hoping that Coach Rio at Addie's school will help with team sports. Maybe this spring she'll be begging to play soccer and I'll get to earn The Title.

p.s. don't you love the motion lines Addie drew under my arms?