Thursday, December 22, 2011

Catching Up


So . . . Wow. It's been a while. I just noticed I still have Halloween Photos on the side bar.

Much has happened since my last post on Nov. 10. We spent a lovely long weekend with friends in Idyllwild over Veterans Weekend. Cap and I enjoyed a few weeks of Funemployment with Xavier until Cap started his new job with Amazon right after Thanksgiving. I went back to work. I got laryngitis. Thanksgiving happened. We battled Xavier's severe eczema. Xavier started daycare. Xavier turned 4 months. Mit turned 70. Xavier had the stomach flu. We enjoyed Eliza and Addie's holiday recitals at school. I got a gross infection in my nose and was on antibiotics (thank you little sleep and a weakened immune system for that). Xavier had his last day at daycare as he'll be moving to Eliza's school after the holiday, and I have 2 weeks off of work.

I've been home with Addie and Eliza this week and today I have all three kiddos while I pack. Tomorrow we hop on an airplane to spend 10 days with my family in the Chicago-area. I'm excited for all of the extra hands! It's been a hectic, exhausting and emotional winter as we juggle minor illnesses, new schedules and new routines.

And here we are -- all caught up. Just like that.


mit said...

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

thank you for catching up. i love your blog. and whew! love, marcia