Saturday, September 15, 2012

Bunk Beds

Camera Roll-2196

Ah the sleeping saga. Our girls would happily give up their own beds to snuggle up with us in our King. However, in a quest for space of my own, I would end up sleeping in their room at 2 am while they stretched out in my bed.

Addie has been sleeping in and out of our bed since she was a baby. Eliza, never once slept in our bed until she figured out how to climb out her crib at 2 1/2 and refused to sleep in the toddler bed. Hello bunk beds (excellent Craigslist score!). We told the girls that if we got them a bunk bed that they would have to sleep in their own room, in their own beds. That was the rule. No more Mommy and Daddy bed. This rule is sometimes harder on us then on them.

People have passionate opinions about co-sleeping.  I would say that, in theory, I'm all for kids sleeping in their own beds. In practice, that hasn't been the case. The girls are very sweet sleepers and I do like seeing their angelic faces when I wake up. But then again I like more than 8 inches of space to call my own. For the most part the girls have stayed in their beds and we have had to be disciplined about escorting them back to their own beds when someone tries to sneak in at 3 am. I'll even admit I've slept in the top bunk with Addie for a few hours in the wee hours one time. Okay, two times -- reminds me of my days at summer camp. Maybe I'm the one that really wanted the bunk beds.


Gran said...

I love the bunk bed! Storage under and more space to play in their bedroom. A big win all the way around! Over time I am sure they will accustom themselves to their own room. You guys used to snuggle in if someone had a nightmare, or if one of you was sick. That was fine; easier for me to minister if you were right there. And you are right: nothing sweeter than the face of a sleeping child even if the knees and elbows feel like iron spikes.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of this:

Octavia is a sleep tap dancer. And the floor she used was my head. That couldn't last, and we transitioned early on with a surprisingly small amount of fuss.

Much love from up north,

mit said...

Funny link, Nicholas.