Friday, February 13, 2009

A Sticker for My Chart


The end is in sight.

Addie has starred two potty charts along with the sweet, cavity-inducing help of skittles. Her diapers are dry during the day and, yes, even at night. Oddly she has no inhibitions using public toilets either, unlike me. I wasn't sure when it was appropriate to stop giving her skittles every time she uses her potty, but we're plum out of potty charts. She's cold turkey right now, poor gal. "Can we go buy a chart?" she'll ask. She's been doing so well, but we aren't in the clear yet. Not sure how to phrase this, but we are still "practicing" with, um, #2. For the first time this week, though the fear factor was overcome and Miss A was rewarded with a brand new xylophone. Think reward not bribery. Perhaps, we'll be off to buy purple underwear this weekend - her choice.

1 comment:

Reid said...

Funny about the #2. Sawyers says 'I scared go poopoo potty.' But then he screams 'I have to go poo poo potty' the minute I take him off. I tell him that I'm sometimes scared to go poo poo potty too.