Tuesday, August 14, 2012

1st Day of 1st Grade


It's August 14 and Addie started first grade today. What happened to summer?! In preparation, she had four inches cut off her hair, picked out a new Pokemon lunchbox, and selected her First Day of School outfit.

Cap and I both got to take her to school today and give her tons of hugs before she went into her new classroom. She had her brave face and didn't cry.  Outside the classroom, her teacher gave a little speech about how the only homework this week was for the parents to fill out the emergency forms and then we were shooed away. We weren't able to actually talk to her teacher or see the classroom so I assume there is some sort of open house or parent's night soon. Her teacher used to be the pre-K instructor but they closed that program due to budget cuts and now she's teaching first grade. I'm hoping she will be filled with enthusiasm and high energy for her new job but so far she hasn't cracked a smile. Well, she's supposed to be a teacher not her grandma. Addie said she liked her which is important.

I'm proud of my first grader and excited to see what the new school year will bring.


mit said...

Pretty picture.

Gran said...

While it is hard to believe that school starts in the middle of August, Addie certainly looks prepared. Good choice on her first day of school outfit! I too hope she has a stimulating teacher and that they get along well.

Bethany said...

1st grade! Maybe she'll make a friend she'll keep forever :-)