Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday, Xavier!



X-man is one!

We are back from our amazing week in Colorado. There were so many wonderful adventures but Xavier turning one was the highlight. We had a small party for him on the deck of our cabin overlooking Columbine Lake, tucked up against Rocky Mountain National Park. 

The birthday boy, who had a cold, was beyond exhausted and barely made it long enough for us to shove a burning flame on a sugary dessert in front of him. Reid and her kiddos partied with us. We had a BBQ dinner, cupcakes, champagne and the guys took the 4 kids out on the boat after Xavier went to bed. 

Happy birthday, Xavier. Love you tons and tons and tons.

Sleepy cupcake face

Biggest Sister

God-sib Arden


Camera Roll-2252
The birthday night cruise


GranJanne said...

Happy 1st Xavier! You're #1!

Gran said...

Happy first birthday, little man!