Sunday, April 28, 2013



Turns out Eliza is allergic to bee stings.

We were playing in our backyard when Eliza stepped on a bee. We have all been stung in our yard under the exact same conditions and it isn't fun.  We pulled out the stinger, gave her ice and she was fine.

Or so we thought. About an hour or so later Cap noticed her entire torso was covered in a red rash and her face was getting splotchy. We gave her some Benadryl and I went to wash out the bee sting area on her foot. That's when I realized her foot was hot, swollen and hard as a rock. Poor girl! It was the rock foot and the fact the hives we no where near the area of the bee sting (and knowing Xavier has severe allergies to other things) we ended up taking her to ER just in case it got worse. They gave her steroids which she will be on for 2 more days. Her foot is still a rock even this morning and she has to hobble to get around.

While the ER doctor was talking to me, he suddenly stopped and asked if I had Bell's Palsy. What??! Apparently, one of my eyelids doesn't blink as rapidly as my other eyelid. Thankfully, I don't have paralysis of half my face (as he tested by having me smile) but now I'm going to be super self-conscious of my lazy, droopy eyelid. It does explain why I often have one eye closed in photos!

But back to Eliza . . .

The nurse also told me with each bee sting her reaction could worsen and we don't want her to develop a reaction that would be anaphylactic. So, he said, "don't get stung!"  Our yard is a blanket of bees too so the new MO is to always have closed toe shoes on. I'm guessing Xavier is allergic too. He was stung for the first time but it isn't until the second or third sting that someone can tell if they are allergic. Eliza might be our second kid with her own epi-pen. Eliza was a very brave girl in the hospital, and I'm sure she is looking forward to being able to run around again.

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