Sunday, July 30, 2006

Addie Slept Through the Night

I think i need to put that heading in giant capital letters. Perhaps I shall.


Sleeping through the night in baby world is considered 11 pm - 5 am, and she slept from about 10:30 until 5:15. I hope that this will become a trend. Of course this didn't mean I got 7 hours of sleep. I still woke up throughout the night to check on her sometimes tickling her foot or resting my hand on her chest to make sure she's okay.

Didi is going to miss the night time feedings as this is her chance to get some attention from me too - and sometimes more cat food.


Genevieve said...

congrats! hope she keeps it up.

Anonymous said...

i've said it before, and i'll say it again... poor didi. ;) (and way to go addie!)