Thursday, December 07, 2006


Look who can sit up! Addie has actually been able to sit up for about a month or maybe 2 - I can't remember and it depends on the definition. She's been practicing though and now she can sit up for several minutes and entertain herself trying to pick up leaves on the grass. Last night, however, was the first time she got herself into a sitting position all by herself. Bam! One moment on her tummy, the next she's sitting up!

I've been having trouble since Addie was born identifying her "Firsts." Her first smile, rolling over, sitting up, and even crawling I haven't really felt confident about locking in an exact date. If we count crawling as Forward Movement then Addie has been able to crawl for several weeks although she isn't yet moving hands and legs in opposite directions. She can maneuver herself to any object she desires but it is more of a commando crawl where she pulls herself forward dragging her lower body behind her. Another technique she employs I like to call the inchworm. She sort of sticks her butt up in the air (think downward facing dog position in yoga) and then slides forward. She can now get up on all fours like a true crawler but hasn't been able to get her legs in motion - any day though! She's the only kid in her daycare class that can move about. One of the triplets is becoming more mobile but when there is one toy in the middle and two babies, Addie gets there first. She pretty much has the run of the place and all the choice toys. Queen Addie of Daycare.

1 comment:

Reid said...

Is it me or is Addie's face really changing recently? She looks different in latest pictures. Perhaps some hair growing in? Perhaps her head is rounding out? Older and wiser! Still cute as a button.