Sunday, December 03, 2006

Mmmmmm gruel

By golly, I think she likes it!

Addie was gobbling up her organic (what else?!) rice cereal this morning when she, for the first time ever, had what is technically referred to as solid food although it definitely seems more like watery swill. About 10 seconds into the video I exclaim, "Yay! That's food!" Be warned, it's disturbingly loud and shrill. I guess I also didn't think it necessary to wipe her face at any point resulting in Addie resembling Uncle Sam or Colonel Sanders by the end of the meal.

Babies can start rice cereal anytime between 4-6 months according to our pediatrician. Here Addie is 6 months, 2 weeks and we are finally serving up the gruel. With a history of food allergies on Cap's side of the family and the desire not to have stinkier poo, we've been pushing this off for, well, 2 months. She's been ready for a long time though but then I insisted her first taste of cereal needed to be captured on film and that required daytime on a weekend to get enough light to take a decent video. What kind of a parent am I that makes decisions based on light conditions?

Addie will practice on the rice cereal for maybe a month and then we can start introducing orange foods. I don't know if that is what the baby books recommend, but our pediatrician was very specific that we should do only orange foods next. I'm just imagining what that poop is going to look like. Ew.


Reid said...

I like the bib! Did you bust it out just for this occasion?

Sarah Q said...

thanks! This is the first time we've used a plastic bib and it was a gift from my Mom. We are asking Santa for this full body smock (in bandanna) that Jeannine recommended:

kitty said...

so cute. is she a redhead?

Sarah Q said...

a little strawberry blonde I think. her lashes are dark so eventually she'll have dark hair like her parents.

Genevieve said...

orange foods? I can come up with carrots and citrus fruits... what else? (that's not, like, artificially orange, because I'm assuming Addie won't be chowing down on orange tic tacs any time soon)

Sarah Q said...

cheesy poofs? i think it's pretty much carrots and sweet potatoes/yams. not one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

What a clever girl! She took to it right away, no pushing it back out with her tongue or practicing her explosive consonants while eating (which may yet happen). She is on the road to a lifetime of discovering new tastes and textures. Good start!

Reid, the bib came from the gift shopt at the Art Institute in Chicago.

Lots of natural sugar in carrots and sweet potatoes. Later she can learn about the addition of glazing and marshmallows. Add pumpkin and acorn or butternut squash to the veggies. Fruits include mango, cantaloupe and apricots. Yum!

Anonymous said...

...and to answer your last question: there is a direct correlation between data in and data out. Orange is orange; green is green. It isn't until a mixed diet is introduced that the results are, um, mixed.