Monday, April 07, 2008

Tickle Pickle

pickle mosaic.jpg
After cleaning out our fridge I realized I had 3 opened containers of cornichons. I wonder if I've had them since I was pregnant? Do pickles go bad? Oh well, I've combined them into one jar and a curious fridge door monitor named Addie has taken to them. Since Cap started his new job at MySpace, I've altered my schedule. I work 7:30-4:30 so that I can pick up Addie from daycare. I rather like this schedule as it gives me long evenings at home. If I'm running on-time in the a.m., I leave before Addie wakes up but most often than not I've snoozed my alarm at least twice and am rushing out the door when I hear, "Mama? Mama?" How can I resist seeing my little fuzzle-headed angel wake up in her robot pjs? She gives me giant smiles and giant hugs. "Mama hugs" she says and when I tell her I have to go to work she hugs me extra hard and says "Goodbye."

When we get home, I'll open the refridgerator and she'll go find "tickles" as she calls pickles. We eat them right out of the jar spearing them with a shared fork. Addie is all about doing everything herself these days. She says "Addie Helps" and means it. Back away Mama. So she stabs her cornichons and I stab mine. "Sour" she smiles and winces.

1 comment:

auntie snorg said...

Such an expressive cutie. Lovely long evenings with Mamma and Miss A!