Miss Eliza is 2 weeks old today. Happy day my sweetness.
Here is what's been going on:
Cap went back to work.
My mom had to go back home after having been with us for 10 days. Sniff sniff.
GranJanne arrived to stay with us for a week. Hurrah!
Eliza's umbilical nubbin fell off and was MIA until I found it on Cap's pillow. I'm not sure what to do with it. Why can't I bring myself to just throw it away?
Eliza has outgrown her newborn diapers.
Eliza has figured out day from night.
Eliza sleeps 2 hour stretches at night, eats and then goes back to sleep. Not too bad.
Eliza saw (slept through) her first art exhibition: Pompeii and the Roman Villa at LACMA
Eliza went to (slept through) her first restaurant for lunch: Swingers
Eliza went to (slept through) the aquarium. the first trip of many.
Eliza had her first photo shoot. My friend Jan spent an hour and a half taking photos of her. Most of the time though was spent trying to calm Eliza down so she wasn't crying in every shot. I'll share the photos when I get them.
Eliza also has the most engaging smile that moves her ears a quarter of an inch up. I can't wait for her to mean it.