Monday, January 25, 2010

36 years

birth telegram privacy.jpg

It's my birthday! Here I am in my flannel pjs trying to get Eliza to bed when Cap surprises me with news that we have a reservation tonight for a sushi dinner! I asked if I had to change and he said at least out of my slippers. He also surprised me with an ice cream cake to share with Addie and Papa Mit and 3 dozen red roses at work. I know, awwwwwwww, right?!

My Dad has been organizing his life possessions and shipped me three boxes of family memorabilia including a box of letters and cards that were sent to me, my parents and grandparents when I was born, yes, 36 years ago today. This is the telegram sent by my Aunt and Uncle from the US Embassy in Kathmandu to congratulate my parents on their first child - me! My Aunt Susan and I share a birthday along with Robert "Robbie" Burns who would be 251 today. See, 36 is young!

Thank you all for my birthday wishes in person, on the phone, by mail or on facebook. Hugs!


Pop-Pop said...

Love the new blog logo! Sushi yum.

michelle said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! What an awesome telegram - can we still do telegrams? I hope so, they seem so romantic to me.

Anonymous said...

goodness, another lovely acquarian. and so young. happy birthday dear sarah. love, marcia

Gran said...

I know it was a wonderful birthday, lots of good wishes and love from family near and far. Happy Birthday!