Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Is he an owl?

A little pre-bedtime fun.

Addie has told us a few times that she wants to be a movie maker when she grows up. She's also mentioned doctor, teacher and "a person that is in a store." She has an idea for a movie she's called "Kitty Cat Galore" that involves, yes cats, and the wind that turns into a witch. I hope she does make the film! Addie loves scary stuff and frequently requests scary movies which could mean Snow White, Peter Pan or more recently Transformers. We let her watch it and she spent the whole time asking Why. Why is the allspark so big? Why did they make the cube small? Why is that guy frozen? Why is that guy mean? Why can't Bumblebee talk? Why does Megan Fox have orange skin? Oh, wait that was my question.


Reid said...

F-king hilarious. So big they are getting, these kids. I can't believe they are 4.

GranJanne said...

Love the booooo!

Genevieve said...

She's well on her way to becoming a movie maker, I'd say.

Gran said...

I love her dramatic chops! She's ready for her "Birds" closeup! Wait - she did that already! Bluuuuh!