Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Out of Sorts


That's a little how I'm feeling these days. Like someone stuck their finger up my nose.

Work is stressing me out. Really stressing me out. The work-life balance is messed up and then Miss Eliza has been sick. After two visits to the doctor we've returned home after being told she does not have an ear infection (visit #1), nor does she have Hand Foot & Mouth Disease (visit #2). She just has a cold. Guess the sleeplessness is making us paranoid!

Eliza though seems to be recovering and her smile is coming back. I hope mine does. (I know, a little melodramatic. You can practically hear the violins playing.)


Reid said...

hang in there!

Gran said...

Oh, I do hope a day has made a big difference.

GranJanne said...

Violins are good when you have work stress and Mama stress. Indulge yourself.

mit said...

We're all behind you Sarah.

auntie snorg said...

poor sister! Violins make very good music a lot of time... you are allowed to play yours!

Pop-Pop said...

Just learned of your situation. Hope it hasn't lingered. take a good destresser with your main squeeze. Margaritas are good therapy!