Sunday, February 13, 2011

17 months


Miss Eliza Wren is creeping up against half a year, celebrating her 17 month birthday yesterday. She continues to grow into a feisty, exuberant little girl. She's running around, climbing up on everything, playing peek-a-boo, and taking her shoes and socks off. Exhausting! Favorite words include uh-oh, nose, shoe, more and making animal sounds. When she hears or sees a bird she says, "Caw, Caw" and a dog is breathy "woof woof". She'll only read books about animals and prefers to be outside rather than in. We frequently have to rush to Addie's aid after Eliza has tackled her and grabbed fistfuls of hair. I think Eliza might enjoy a toddler tumbling class! While scrappy, she's also very loving. She greets all the grown-ups at school with hugs whether they are teachers or parents and if you say, "Eliza, can I get a hug?" she'll rush up, wrap her arms around you and lay her head on your shoulder. Total cuddle bug but watch out, she bites.

Since I missed her 16 month post due to a pregnancy induced hibernation, here is a photo of her from a month ago.


Gran said...

Eliza has all the Addie features, but is definitely an Eliza-girl. I like the feisty - you can't create that in a timid child. Channeling it will be fun for her, and I think you are on track with the physical activities. If she grows up to be a vet (or a lion tamer), she can draw on that trait!

GranJanne said...

I'm so eager to see her and all of you! Just 5 more days!