Wednesday, February 02, 2011

The Official Announcement

My blog has been neglected for two months as I've been in bed around 8:00 after the girls are asleep. There isn't much time for anything other than getting ready for work, work, and then getting the girls picked up from school, fed and in bed before I crash myself. And here is my official excuse.

I'm having a baby!

Yes, baby #3 is on the way. I'm 16 weeks along, due at the end of July. After getting over the shock, I am really quite excited. Sure it will mean the massive expense of a new car and eventually a new place to live, but it will also mean a new little person to love. I can't believe Eliza is going to be a big sister as she's still a baby in my eyes at 16 months.

Addie is very excited and while she said she wanted a baby brother, she understand that you get what you get, and you don't get upset - a maxim taught to her by her God-sibs in Colorado. A few weeks ago she put her face up to my belly and yelled, "Hey baby! Turn into a boy!" If I was going to bet though, I'd put my money on a little girl. We don't find out for a few more weeks but that hasn't stopped me from compiling lists of girl and boy names.

My apologizes for the neglected blog, but that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

16 weeks in 2009 with Eliza. Looking rather similar these days. Now, if only I could find where I stored my maternity clothes . . .


jamie said...

Hooray for 2011 babies!!!! xoxo

Gran said...

Love the baby bump! and love Addie's coaching. If it is a boy, she will be convinced it is because she ordered it so!