Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tucson Time


In my usual behind the times fashion these days, I'm finally posting photos of our relaxing trip to Tucson during President's day week. We stayed at GranJanne's lovely new house, lounged around, ate take-out and went on some sort of adventure each day between Eliza's naps. Addie loved helping feed the mourning doves in GranJanne's back yard which involved lots of spinning and showering of bird seed in all directions.


This is Eliza's favorite perch, watching the birds and dogs from her window spot.

Eliza was also fond of the bird bath where she would lick the water off of her hand. Gross.

I'd love to come back in the spring when the desert is blooming. Maybe next year!

We miss you GranJanne!

(I'll be posting photos of our Tucson adventures and fun with Nana and Pop Pop soon!)


Gran said...

Sorry about the hand licks, but both girls are having a wonderful time!

GranJanne said...

i miss you, too!