Friday, June 24, 2011

Little Me

Here is a photo of me back in 1975 looking, I think,  pretty much like Eliza. I'm her age in the picture. Notice the bells on my white shoes.

This photo was taken on my first day of school in Tokyo, 4 months shy of my 5th birthday. There is something in my expression that reminds me of Addie.

I wonder who little brother will look like - hopefully like his handsome Daddy. One more month (plus 6 days if he decides to follow the trend of his sisters).


Pop-Pop said...

Cute pics. Yes, the top one you look like Eliza and the bottom one you have Addie's expression.In any case just plain cute

Gran said...

So adorable seeing these photos, and you are quite right! I don't have any photos available electronically from when you were all small, but it would be great if we could get one of newly-arrived Andrew to compare!