Sunday, July 24, 2011


40 weeks.jpg

Today is my due date. I'm 40 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby boy that may - or may not - weigh 11 lbs.

This has been some week. It started out with the stomach flu on Sunday night and contractions that made me pray I wouldn't go into labor under these circumstances. Thankfully Thor stayed in and I was feeling fully recovered by Tuesday when I painted our office with the thought that maybe we could make this the nursery. Then on Thursday I got rear ended driving to buy a baby album which resulted in my being completely hysterical after the accident, getting my blood pressure taken by an extraordinarily handsome fireman, minor damage to my car (the other guy's car was totaled), and a full fetal diagnostic at my doctor's office and then the hospital. Baby and Mommy are both doing fine and the nurse gave me some of that post-partum fruit juice nectar with the crushed ice that I remember so fondly.

While getting Thor checked out, I learned from the ultrasound that he is measuring 10 lbs 12 oz already. My doctor strongly recommended that we schedule a c-section to avoid any possible risk of shoulder dystocia associated with delivering a big baby which could result in paralysis of his arm. Tuesday is the Big Day. This was a tough decision as people have big babies all the time that pop out healthy and the ultrasounds notoriously overestimate the size, but this is a decision between my doctor and myself in the interest of bringing my healthy baby boy into the world. I don't much care for risk. After much worrying and deliberation, I found the many stories and words of encouragement from other c-section mamas to put my heart and mind at ease.  Now, what I'm most anxious about is no longer the surgery or the recovery but being away from my two little girls for 4 nights. Cap's dad is taking on the monumental and saintly task of watching both girls while I'm in the hospital before my Mom comes on Friday night and I get released on Saturday.

Unless I go into labor before, we'll be celebrating the birth of our baby boy on July 26. Til Tuesday . . .


Cap said...

The Lion cometh! :)

Gran said...

Enthusiastically awaiting Thor's arrival and your safe delivery. Can't wait to be there Friday!

Bethany said...

Will be thinking of you til we hear the news! Much love from the Loews!

GranJanne said...

Oh Sarah! I'm so very sorry that happened. My thoughts will be with you until the safe delivery of the "little guy." My godson was a c-section and all went well. So it will be with my grandson. Eagerly awaiting Cap's call! For what time is the c-section scheduled?

Gran said...

Thinking of you all on the eve of four becoming five. Great hugs and love and cheering from Gran!