Friday, August 26, 2011

1 Month


Happy 1 Month Birthday XQP!

Xavier is a pretty mellow baby - thank goodness! With three kiddos and me recovering from surgery, not to mention just being really sleepy, I'm oh so thankful for his laid back demeanor. I'm also thankful for Gran and GranJanne's visits and excited for my sister's arrival this week and Nana and Pop Pop's visit the following week. Xavier eats and sleeps like a champ for the most part and is rarely cranky unless he's hungry, at least he has been. As Cap said yesterday, Xavier is coming out if his newborn stupor and with this new alertness we expect increased fussiness. Growing up is tough.

I swear he has also started to smile at me showing off his dimples which are usually hidden in his chubby, yummy cheeks.  "He is super duper cute!" exclaimed Addie. She and Eliza adore him and often fight over who gets to hold him in the morning. This seems sweet except it's 6:15 am and Cap and I are exhausted and pretending we can get a few more minutes of shut eye in bed.  When feeding, Xavier makes these purring inhalation noises which Eliza imitates, hhmmmm, hhmmmm, hhmmm. His eyes are turning blue too like his sisters and he has soft, fuzzy ears. Adorable.




Gran said...

I can't believe how much he has changed in 2 weeks. He is a complete precious and I can understand his big sisters' devotion. He also demonstrates enormous consideration by not being fussy and allowing his Mum to heal and rest (as best as he is able to do so anyway).

Pop-Pop said...

Adorable. Can't wait to see and hold him.

JB said...

He is beautiful!! Sounds like you are all doing great!

Leslie Mejia said...

He's so adoreable!! I'm glad he's been a good baby for you. You deserved the needed rest after your surgery. I want to cuddle up to those cheeks!! :)

auntie snorg said...

even peeing on me he is still the cutest baby ever!!!