Friday, August 12, 2011

23 Months


Why walk when you can run? Eliza always seems to be moving in fast forward. Her energy is boundless as is her affection. Eliza is intelligent, curious, affectionate, energetic and sensitive. Since returning from the hospital, Eliza will run up to me and pause, point at my tummy and say "Owie?" My Mom, who Eliza calls Dan instead of Gran, can't believe she's only turning 2 next month, not 3.

Gran heads back home tomorrow after 2 weeks of helping out with the girls, Xavier and me.  We are all going to miss her immensely, especially Addie who is going to miss baking with her. We are excited for GranJanne coming on Sunday followed by my sister in late August and Pop Pop and Nana over Labor Day week.  And we are all super duper excited that Papa Mit is moving from Pasadena to our neighborhood right across the street! Oh how we have plans for you Papa Mit!


mit said...

I can just hear those little wheels in your head turning, Sarah.

Gran (Dan) said...

Mit, first you need to get settled in your new home!

I miss everyone enormously: all the hugs, cuddling Xavier, good night stories with milk and sparkly water. freeze tickles and popsicle making and movie night. There are some extraordinarily fortunate family members in holding pattern! I know GranJanne will have a wonderful time!

Leslie Mejia said...

Beautiful! :) She's turning 2 soon. Wow. Time flies, huh? She looks like she loves her baby brother! <3