Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Heart You

XQP heart.jpg

Xavier is a strong baby -- and a big one! He is almost 12 pounds now putting him in the 90th percentile for weight and, at 22 inches, 75th for height.

While he's a healthy boy in general,  Xavier was born with a slight heart murmur. The cardiologist at the hospital told us if you are going to have a complication, this is a good one to have as it will probably close up on it's own. Of course we worry anyway.

This week we visited Xavier's cardiologist again. X was an excellent patient and slept through the tests. The  doctor couldn't hear the murmur anymore through the stethoscope but the echocardiogram showed a 3mm gap between his left and right ventricle. She was pleased with what she saw though and assured us that it would almost definitely close up on it's own and she didn't anticipate  any complications. Phew! We'll be back close to Xavier's first birthday for a follow up.

We sure love this little guy with all our heart.


mit said...

A warm hearted fellow.

Gran said...

3mm seems a goodly size for such a small heart, but I am heartened enormously by the cardiologist's diagnosis.

JB said...

I had a heart murmur as a baby... lasted until I was about 12 but never caused me any problems, other than some extra tests here and there. Sounds like he is good shape already!