Wednesday, January 04, 2012

4 Months! (Okay 5)


Yes, I realize he is 5 months now, but look how cute he is at 4 and a half months!

He also rolled over at from his back to his tummy - a feat with a big noggin like that. He was a week shy of 4 months. He started daycare down the street at 4 months, and then we got word that a spot opened up at Eliza's Montessori school. He started there this week and is taking all of these transitions in stride.

We've also been battling eczema these last two months. The big guy scratches up his head so badly, he is now under sock arrest. His hands are mittened and to protect him at night, I even sewed a pair into his pjs. I'm hoping that his dry skin is something he will outgrow - and soon. Even with his scratchy skin, he's still a smiling, laughing happy, little Bubba beloved by all - especially his sisters.


mit said...

And he loves his sisters. Anything they do is cool to him and fascinating. Sometimes he thinks they kiss him too much, though.

Gran said...

He is a handsome, loving snuggle-bear of a guy. I miss him and his smiles and giggles.