Thursday, January 26, 2012

6 Months


Time seems to have sped up. Strangers in the grocery store or in the security line at LAX remind me how quickly their own kids grew up; how I should enjoy them at this age. I know from my girls how quickly time passes. They grow up too fast.

I look at Xavier and breathe a sigh or relief. He's still a baby.

But not for long. He's half way to one.Two teeth have emerged and he's getting stronger. Not crawling yet. Not even close and i'm relieved. Phew, still a baby. A sweet, smiling baby.  A baby with eczema, who scratches his legs and head until they bleed but still smiles. And a baby that sleeps through the night now.

So thankful. So in love.


Gran said...

What a cute snuggums, and how good that he is sleeping through the night! A lovely gift to give his loving mom.

mit said...

He's a baby, but I always wonder what he's thinking. Something about his eyes.