Saturday, January 07, 2012

Papa Mit Turns 70


On December 11, we celebrated Mit's big 7-0 with a family dinner at his favorite spot - Paradise Cove Beach Cafe in Malibu. After our feast, we ran out to the beach just catching the sun setting over the ocean. The girls stripped off their pants but kept on their parkas to play in the surf. 

What would we do without Mit? We are so lucky to have him across the street from us. He is always on hand to help us out -- which turns out is pretty much every day. Have I mentioned that having three kids is really hard?! He picks up Addie from school, helps her with homework, plays with Eliza, holds Xavier and changes diapers. And, he even hangs out to watch The X Factor with me. I wonder if I can get him into American Idol too . . .

Mit - you are the best!  Happy Birthday (again).


mit said...

Three kids are hard? Not for the grandparents. The X Factor, now, that's hard.

It does help that Cap and Sarah are tops as parents - all around, actually.

GranJanne said...

Sounds like a great celebration and a great life, Mitty!