Sunday, February 26, 2012

7 Months


Happy 7 months, Bubba!

Xavier continues to be our patient, mellow, smiley little guy. With two exuberant big sisters, he often has to wait his turn which he does with little protest. His two bottom teeth are growing in giving him a deliciously cute grin, and the top two have started to make an appearance. He's getting closer to sitting up, the next milestone for him before crawling. He also had his first taste of solid food.

And with sadness, he has decided to stop nursing. It was final on Valentine's day which did, in fact, break my heart. He had already surpassed his sisters at 6 months and I had hopes he might make it to 9. I'm trying to pump once a day but I think the end is just around the corner. I love the freedom the bottle gives, but will miss our quiet time together snuggled on the little sofa in his room in the morning and before bed. Knowing that this period in my life is over forever makes the end that much more difficult. Thankfully there is always much to look forward too and he'll always be my baby.





mit said...

Lots more snuggling to come.

auntie snorg said...

he is incredibly too precious! i love that smile!!!!

Gran said...

Weaning is always hard, but he is a giant cuddlemonster and will be for a long time to come which is lovely!