Friday, February 10, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Camera Roll-626

It's February and I'm working on my New Year's resolutions. They aren't about eating better or exercising. They aren't about bettering my family or helping others in need. They are both vain and mundane at the same time. And they are achievable.

1. I resolve to wear make-up everyday. I turned 38 a few weeks ago and, guess what, I look old. Funny how that happens. I resolve that make-up is not just for special occasions or when I remember to apply it. It's for everyday. While I don't have to look at myself in the mirror much, other people have to look at me all day.

2. I resolve to to use up all my gift certificates this year. This is a good problem to have, don't get me wrong. You'd think this isn't really a challenge but I sort of hoard these things. I have one to an architectural/art book store dated 2007. This year, I will buy books, go to the spa, shop on amazon and get a free appetizer at Islands.

3. I resolve to use all of my health and beauty products by the end of the year and stop hoarding them. Soaps, gels, serums, oils, lotions, shampoos, sprays, perfumes and scrubs. All will be used. No more stockpiling hotel toiletries, fancy décolletage creams, youthful moisturizers and special foot creams that I only apply once or twice a year. I even have gone so far as using a funnel (seriously one of my favorite household items) to decant an absurd assortment of scented hotel body lotions into a single pump. It's rosemary, ginger, rose, sage, mint and old lady perfume scented body cream and it's fabulous.

Happy New Year!


Love, Pop-Pop said...

Love it. It's called taking care of business - self! Love the pic teaser.

Gran said...

Good and indeed achievable resolutions, all. I cleaned out dresser drawers in January that haven't seen the light of day from before my move in August, 2004. Keeping on top of "stuff" is amazing (although archeological forays are kind of fun too!).

I do object to the looking old comment - you look fantastic!