Saturday, February 25, 2012



Opening to a full house on Tuesday, Addie appeared in her first musical as a mouse in The Cinderella Story. All the kids ages K-5 in the after school program participated in this adaptation of Cinderella, but this time with an anti-bullying message. Cinderella wins the science fair!

Addie wasn't nervous at all and enjoyed the experience of being on stage, much like her theatrically trained Daddy. In addition to the singing, she had one line, "Wow, Macie, they're huge!" (tee hee). The elementary school musical is this spring and all the kinders have a group song so we will have another opportunity to see Addie on the big stage.





mit said...

Addie has a lovely, and a loving smile, in her photo with the flowers.

Gran said...

She did a great job and is very comfortable on stage - really reached out to the audience. Go Addie! Love the photo with her flowers - radiantly lovely!