Tuesday, May 08, 2012


Camera Roll-1181

2 weeks ago Addie took a swan dive off the couch onto the corner of the coffee table and ended up in the ER. No stitches but she had to have it cleaned, taped and derma-glued. We asked the doc if she needed a plastic surgeon and he looked at us like we were from outer space - or LA. After 10 days, I finally pried off the tape with a lot of baby oil and, while it will scar, it doesn't look to bad at all. She's thankful her hair usually hides it too.

Our coffee table is the worst - a giant thick wooden slap set in a metal frame both with sharp edges. But I think the table was just getting back at Addie after all these years for when she gnawed off chunks of wood. The first time she tried to eat the coffee table she was a little tot. Then at age 4 she decided to sample it again and carve 4 = 5 on the top of it. Poor table.  Poor Addie.

That same weekend a 2 foot square chunk of the ceiling in our laundry room collapsed at 1 am while I was standing there trying to clean up the flood from, what we later learned, was the upstairs neighbors broken water heater. It was just that sort of weekend.


Anonymous said...

oh dear. excuse to look for another coffee table? invent coffee table corner covers? dear addie. love marcia

auntie snorg said...

Scars give character. And Addie and i have coffee table attacks in common - remember when i knocked out my 2 front teeth in Kingwood with the coffee table?