Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday, Adelaide!

Camera Roll-1520

Addie has been eagerly counting down the months and weeks and days until her birthday. On Wednesday, we played hooky from usual routines of work and school to go to Disneyland. We didn't tell the girls until that morning after they had breakfast and were dressed. Addie squealed and jumped up and down exclaiming "You're the best parents in the world!" Eliza, who has no idea what Disneyland is, was just thrilled that she was going too, wherever it was.  Gran and I sent Cap and Xavier off to work and school and met up with Jamie and Clara for a girls day at Disneyland. It was so so so fun and we are all sore and exhausted from going on almost 20 rides and walking around the park for 10 hours.


This morning Addie had 6 silver dollar pancakes to get her birthday started, and then Gran and I took her to school (in itself a rare occassion) loaded up with brownie bites to share with her classmates. Tonight we celebrated at home with mac n cheese, molten lava cakes, birthday cards and presents. The fun isn't over yet (or the sleeplessness). Saturday is her official birthday slumber party! 


I'm really so very proud of my Addie. She's growing into a brave, independent, creative, and caring little girl. I love her so much.  Happy Birthday Adelaide!


Mit said...

Addie's a wonderful granddaughter and friend.

jamie said...

Happy birthday dear Addie! We're super lucky to have you in our lives. xo

Gran said...

Happy birthday, Addie! I am so glad I am here to share the celebration with you!

GranJanne said...

Hard to believe you're SIX years old! Happy Birthday my precious granddaughter!

Pop-Pop & Nana said...

What a girl! We love her artistic talent and her creativity. Disneyland always one of my faves so I hope one day it will be Dizzyworld with all -A, E & X and of course S & C