Sunday, May 19, 2013

H2O Break-through

Camera Roll-1684

Since Xavier was born he has screamed and screamed in the bath and the swimming pool. So much so that we rarely bathed him other than sponge baths (dirty little grubby baby) because it was so traumatic - for him and us. We experimented with warm vs cool, bath vs sink, sisters vs solo, with toys, with a ball. Nothing except hysteria. Then last night we popped him into the bath same as we normally do. For the first time, he didn't scream and try to scramble out. He stood there and asked for some rubber ducks. A few minutes later he was happily dumping buckets of water on his head. It was like a brand new baby! Maybe he will want to swim this summer too. Just maybe.

And happy birthday GranJanne!


GranJanne said...

It's all the result of that California Boy Cut you gave him.

Anonymous said...

Yea X Luv, Pop-Pop