Sunday, November 04, 2007

Everything is "Mine"

At the park, Addie borrowed a little boy's caterpillar toy. His mom kindly shared but the little boy didn't agree shouting "Mine Mine Mine" from the confines of his swing defenseless to protect his property. Addie decided it was "mine" too when she objected to us returning the caterpillar to the little boy when it was time to go. She's big on "mine." Everything is "mine" even if she already has "mine." She'll be eating a cheese stick. I'll be eating a cheese stick. Her cheese stick is "mine" and, according to the rules of Addie, my cheese stick is also "mine." When is "mine," mine? Sigh.

Our household also has a few new traditions. Because of our work schedules, we don't all eat dinner together. However, I think the idea of a family dinner is important. It took me a loooooong time to realize the art of Somewhere in Between. So, while we can't eat together every night, we can eat together at least once a week. Introducing Friday Night Family Dinners. Asking me to cook something isn't in the cards, so we all troop off for a dinner out. We've had hummus at a Greek restaurant and Addie sucked on a lemon wedge. weirdo. Last night we went to Swingers and dined on sauteed tofu, veggie chili and veggie BLTs listening to punk rock. Addie drank water from Cap's glass with a spoon. again, weirdo. I love these nights. Then on Saturdays we get a babysitter, I put on mascara, and Cap and I go on Date Night. Ah date night - sushi, a movie and cocktails. I guess Saturday nights are mine.


Anonymous said...

Ah. Words of Power. "Mine" will shortly be followed by "No". Will Addie follow Mama and start each day with a rising crescendo of no No NO NO!!!!!! as a warm-up? Time will tell. Addie is becoming her own woman.

Yay for Dinner Night and Date Night. Good traditions, all.

Reid said...

Love the new traditions.

auntie snorg said...

Addie's cuteness allows her to think everything is hers. I can't see how anyone could deny her anything.

Good for you and Pone-man to have the traditions!

Anonymous said...

Caption for the photo: "You mean it's NOT mine?"

Remember Fiddler on the Roof -TRADITION!!!!

Way to go. Seen any good "Bee" movies lately?