Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Choose Your Own Adventure: #3


Sunday was Cap's day to pick our adventure, and he wanted to check out the neighborhood of Silverlake - home to modernist architecture and the height of 90s hipness. That morning, however, when we told Addie we were going on an adventure to Silverlake, this was her reply:

"That is a Mommy-Daddy adventure! Not an Addie adventure! I want to go touch things!"

I guess she had enough of cool shops where we kept having to ask her not to touch anything. Poor girl. So we changed our plans a little and decided to take Addie to the Natural History Museum. I've never been and often forget the place exists. I had my fingers crossed that there was something there for her to touch.

Thank goodness for the Discovery Center! Addie dusted off dinosaur bones with a brush, inspected live insects and spiders, petted a skunk pelt and tried on some real antlers. In the Hall of North American Mammals, she reminded us (and herself) at every exhibit that these are not real. "That's not a real fox. That's not a real moose. That's not a real polar bear. Look a baby bear, Mommy bear and a Daddy bear!" Addie loves to identify anything that looks like a family of three. She even frequently picks three leaves off the jade plant at our house and tells me that one is a Daddy, Mommy and a baby leaf.

After the museum, we figured we had at least another hour or 2 before she collapsed, so we snuck off to fulfil Cap's wish. We had an awesome brunch at Millie's in Silverlake. Addie played with her utensils in the water cup and wolfed down 2 veggie sausages. I even managed to get us into a cute boutique store before we headed back home for a well deserved nap.


Check out a few more photos from our Sunday Adventure.


Anonymous said...

That is a good adventure too. A good lesson to learn, compromise. Addie continues to stake her ground - good for her but greater patience for Mama and Papa.

auntie snorg said...

i LOVE Silverlake and have been to where you guys snacked! I love addie's demands!