Monday, March 02, 2009

The Make-up Artist

Addie has discovered that, if she moves the step stool over by the sink, she can reach my make-up drawer. Danger!

She's always been in love with nailpolish and we have to hide chapstick from her or she'll apply and reapply for hours. When I went out Friday night she wanted to watch me put on lipgloss and asked if she could wear some too. Why not? It's only pink Burt's Beeswax gloss. (I don't have very sophisticated taste in make-up these days.)

Saturday though, we got out all of my make-up out. My knowledge, I admit, is limited, but I do know the basics: lipstick goes on lips, blush on cheeks and eyeshadow on eyes. Oh and eyeliner, lash curlers and mascara are not for little girls to play with. I uncovered some Chanel eyeshadow I must have bought when Velvet Goldmine was in theaters and remember Urban Decay?


Addie didn't agree much with the eyeshadow on eyes part, and instead carefully applied shades of browns and pinks to her cheeks with the eyeshadow brush along with the blush using my new fluffy contoured blush brush. She also was enamored with a lipstick brush I uncovered, applying it to both herself and me. Here she is even learning the fine art of blotting. She was really so careful and meticulous during the whole thing. Either she'll make a great painter or a surgeon, or Paris Hilton.

Thankfully, she's made significant improvements since October, when I let her play with the black lipstick I bought for Halloween.


Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness! What a wonderful build-up to that photo!

Although perhaps over-applied, the darker color does bring out the deeper blue in her eyes.....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is Gran, btw. I can't multi-task for anything!

auntie snorg said...

Very properly applied i think. sarah, i've no more sophisticated taste than you... which probably makes me a very bad new york woman.

and by the by, i LOVE your hair cut... which may or may not be recent, but for which i've seen only clearly in the pic! LOVE IT!