Monday, March 09, 2009

Numero Dos

Fingers and Toes, 11 weeks

I've already broadcast the news on the ever so personal medium of Facebook, but it wouldn't be right for the archives if I didn't also have a post dedicated to Baby #2 on the blog.

So, I am thrilled to announce that we are expecting a little one in early September. Labor Day could be just that.

Wanting to wait until we know the gender, we have not told Addie yet. However, I think she knows something since she attempted to "out" me several weeks before I was ready to spill the news. I went to pick her up at daycare about a month or so ago, and was asked, "So, I heard the good news!" Trying to play it cool, "Oh yeah? What good news?" "Addie said she was going to have a little sister!" So, Addie appears to know it's a girl, and according to my co-worker's hoodoo voodoo dangling necklace test, it's a boy. We shall see in a few weeks!


Reid said...

They hear everything - even when you think they aren't listening. If the coworkers are saying boy - per my scientific method of 'it's the opposite of what the majority guesses" - I'll have to back up Addie. Plus - I always imagined you'd have two girls. Cant wait to know for sure!

auntie snorg said...

I am super excited to find out the news! I'm in the boy camp.

michelle said...

Yay. Yay. Yay. I'm hoping you're a week late and have the baby on 09.09.09 (my b-date).

Anonymous said...

Grandbabies! Best people ever. And you and Cap have done so beautifully with beautiful Addie, I just can't wait to see what the New Edition is. I am in the boy camp, but I was wrong consistently on all three of you, so what do I know? Healthy is best, of course! Addie has reserved the name of Figwig; maybe FT for this baby? Fingers & Toes. Hmm. Back to the drawing board....

Anonymous said...

If you follow the Quainton pattern in your generation it will be a boy (the opposite of the first think Katherine and Eden), which of course is your own birth order with Uncle Bro. I'm with Gran, healthy works.The MI P & Qs are excited for you and eagerly await the 26th for the gender news.

Bethany said...

aw yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! I missed it on facebook, so glad you wrote it here! congrats guys!! xoxo

Catherine said...

HORRAY! it's a girl. i know it. labor day is a superfine day to have a baby, trust me. and don't let anyone scare you with the 'you'll get the second string docs' stuff ...

Afternoon Stache said...

Don't know how I missed this! Congrats! Selfishly I hope it's a boy so Kieran will have a bud down in SoCal to hang with. Really happy for all three of you!