Monday, March 16, 2009

Tennis Junkies


Cap and I celebrated our five year wedding anniversary (a month early) this weekend out in the desert, fitting since we were married in the desert - different desert but same gist. This is the 4th year in a row that we've gone out to Palm Springs to watch endless hours of professional tennis and we thought it best to combine this weekend with our anniversary and escape for 3 day and two nights. We stayed in an awesome resort, sat by the pool, had room service on our private balcony (someone doesn't like watermelon in their fruit salad), and watched 12 hours of tennis including Rafael Nadal (#1 mens player in the world) playing doubles and an up close view of him warming up on the practice court. Ahhh luxury.

Papa Mit and Aunt Karen kindly watched Addie over the weekend. We can't say thank you enough for that special treat!

While we spent a lot of time talking about how incredible Miss A is, we also enjoyed reading poolside and not worrying about whether our toddler was going to fall in. I was laughing though at all the somewhat bored parents who were endlessly forced to "Look at me!" when their kids did hand stand after hand stand in the pool. Already Addie says that as she shows us how can she can twirl on one leg or do a somersault.

Happy Anniversary Po!


auntie snorg said...

YAY for weekend of tennis in PS. Sound absolutely wonderfull! I love seeing Rafa play. And now that i got my wish and saw Federer play live at the Open last year... I feel like a whole person.
Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Desert,Tennis, Pool, Margaritas, and relationship time - It doesn't get better, enjoy you deserved the break.

Anonymous said...

Happy 5 to the L.A. P & Qs

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary, Sarah and Cap! Sounds like the perfect celebration of a great relationship.

It was -45 in Chena Hot Springs last night. I really like your desert weekend!