Sunday, June 28, 2009

30 weeks

30 weeks A.jpg
30 weeks B.jpg

Swollen ankles, thighs that resemble Stay Puft marshmallows, waddling . . . I was wondering when the heck my third trimester was gonna start. Turns out it was two weeks ago! Well, that explains it. I feel enormous and am fearful knowing I will only get bigger. If I gain the same amount of weight I did with Addie, I'll be looking at another, yes, another 23 pounds in a little over 2 months. Oye. Still, I can't seem to resist the pie, cheesecake and birthday cake that seems to be thrust upon me daily. Why is there so much dessert available at work?

Other then a growing ungainliness and a shrinking maternity wardrobe, the pregnancy has really been great. Little Miss is quite active usually in the early evening when Cap is treated to what looks like a stray cat trying to escape from a sack. We are both wondering if we are gonna be in for it. Luckily she'll have Addie to show her who's boss.

Addie continues to be excited for the arrival of her little sister. She talks about her a lot and likes to tickle my tummy saying, "I'm tickling the baby!" I'm getting more excited to find out if she's going to look like Addie or not. If she comes out looking like an eskimo then we'll know she's gonna resemble her big sister!

Thanks to Janne who reminded me I needed to take some photos and to Cap who took them.


Pop-Pop said...

Love those veggie-tales every week! Sarah you look serene. We can't wait for Miss E's arrival. Hang in there, kid.

Janice said...

Wow! That's some cabbage you're carrying! You are so beautiful, Sarah!

Gran said...

You look wonderful, darling! The weight will go away, and most of it very quickly. You'll be chasing two little monkeys, so I don't despair of your muscles firming up beautifully. It sounds like this little princess is going to find her legs quickly! Or she'll be very sociable as the cocktail hour seems to be her time to engage her family.

Bethany said...

Yippee!!! Looking great!