Sunday, August 09, 2009

3 Week Progress Report

Isn't that a nice note from Addie's teacher? Addie seems happy and when Cap drops her off she says "Bye Dada" and hurries into her classroom. When I pick her up she's in the playground catching caterpillars with a small group of bug lovers or drawing with chalk. She is starting to talk about her new friends which is great to hear. I can't tell you how different pre-school is from our daycare. I feel a little like Addie is in college or something. She has "work" and, as she often tells me, you can't be loud in the classroom. There wasn't even a real "inside" at her daycare. Even the term teacher is brand new. She told me that big girls learn things.

I am hopeful that since this note was written, we have overcome the accident problem. You have to be potty trained to start in the 3-4 year old classroom, and we sent her into her new school knowing that she was almost but not quite there. We haven't used a diaper or washed poopy undies in a week. Fingers crossed that we are in the clear! This will make us a diaper free household for about a month until the new lil pooper arrives in September.

Another thing I love about her new school is that she's an Adelaide. On her first day at daycare 3 years ago, Andi asked me how to spell Adelaide and she seems so flustered, I just said, "Oh well, we call her Addie." And there it was. She was always and only Addie there. Now, however I have the chance to use her real name and let her nickname catch on organically. I ordered labels with Adelaide, her cubby is labeled the same and her art projects are sent home with her real name spelled out. If someone asks her name, she'll even say Adelaide. We still call her Addie, but it's nice to know that she's an Adelaide too.

Tomorrow she has her first field trip to a lagoon in Redondo Beach. I considered chaperoning, but I'd pretty much be useless since I can barely bend down and certainly can't run around.


Pop-Pop said...

Unusually mature!! That's a compliment to the parents! Way to go Adelaide.Bugs are U

Genevieve said...

yay for Adelaide at school! and as someone with a long name, I say, embrace it. I like what you're heading towards - introduce herself as Adelaide, and let Addie come naturally.

Gran said...

It's a wonderful adjustment. Her entire life has been daycare, home and a very active social life with friends. Then a core ingredient changed and she was the new kid. It sounds as though she is making the adjustment very well; kudos to mom and dad for that strong foundation!