Sunday, August 16, 2009

Getting Ready

I've been a little in the denial mindset. The baby isn't due until Fall - that's ages away. There isn't really anything we need to do to get ready for the new baby - just the car seat and the bassinet, right? But once I started to bust out with a list, it grew longer and longer. Sure, we don't need to buy a lot of stuff, but we still need to locate it from the bowels of the garage. We spent a little of last weekend soaking breastmilk-stained onesies, bibs and burp clothes in Oxy Clean overnight. This weekend we managed to uncover a few items including the car seat and the bassinet as well as other key items that were safely stored in a box called Infant Gear. Everything is washed and put away, car seat is by the door, bassinet by my bedside. While unpacking, I came across one teeny weeny newborn sized diaper that I had saved from Addie and was confounded by how small it is and the recollection that even this micro-diaper will seem gigantic on a newborn. Remind me I need to add diapers to my To Do list!

I'm officially full term now with 3 weeks to go until my due date. I hold on to everyone's story about how their baby came early, but I know from my own experience that I need to mentally prepare for late when every day after is an eternity. Are you kidding me? I'm still pregnant?! This time, I won't be working past my due date. What was I thinking? I remember being in the elevator on May 18, 2006 at The Standard Hotel downtown for a work event when a stranger asked me when I was due and I said, "today."

I have two more weeks left of work and then one week off (maybe, the baby will come early?!?). I'm thinking I should take myself to the movies every day that week, get pedicures and lounge around Urth Cafe in West Hollywood sipping iced hibiscus tea and reading mystery novels. Perhaps if I make elaborate plans with my freedom, it will be Murphy's Law and the baby will arrive a little bit early. Not too early, just a little bit.


Pop-Pop said...

Swiis Chard? Must be a gangly Miss! We eagerly await the news - early is better at full term! All we ask is that little miss wiggles be healthy. Back to the rummage sale for onesies and fourzies

Genevieve said...

what?! It's already nearly time? How did that happen? (but yay for you!)

Reid said...

Ah . . . the memories. I want to come out and get my hands on that baby when she's still all squishy and red faced.

Catherine said...

so happy for you & can't wait to hear the news! i had big plans for time by myself too before thomas was born but on my second night alone (no husband, no 2 year old) my water broke. i think (know) i sat up in bed and said, 'god damn it, baby! i have 2 more days.'

Gran said...

That is a weeny diaper! I am remembering a little Addie who could be held in one arm like a football, and seemed to like it. There's so many wonderful cuddle memories with a tiny new one, and how sweet they smell, and how the head just fits perfectly in the crook of one's neck. Good times ahead!