Wednesday, August 05, 2009

San Diego (again)!


We returned to San Diego last weekend to celebrate Cousin Esme's wedding and dance the night away with family. Esme looked gorgeous and it was so great to see so much family! Addie I think had the most fun of anyone there. She partied for 5 hours and we had to lure her off the dance floor after the last song with a beach ball that a groomsman kindly offered her.

After a yummy brunch with family on Saturday morning, we explored the science center and hung out with my friend Karen, her husband and her super duper cute almost one year old daughter Sofia. Addie is gaga for babies. She loved meeting her 9 month old second cousin Octavia at the wedding and (s)mothered Sofia - washing her hair, bringing her toys, feeding her baby food and brushing her hair. Addie is getting pretty excited for her little sister. I'm hoping I can just lounge around on the sofa watching Weeds while Addie takes care of the new baby.

Sunday we said goodbye to baby Sofia and headed out to Sea World. It was fine. There were shows. I got drenched by a dolphin, ate ice cream and generally felt that one time was enough for me. I have also renewed my love of the Long Beach aquarium which beats Sea World hands down in that department. If you go to Sea World, skip the aquarium stuff and stick with the animal shows. Or just go to Disneyland.

Check out more pictures from our weekend in San Diego here.


Pop-Pop said...

That's my party girl Addie - is TV next!

Gran said...

Wonderful photos! Addie's delight in everything is evident. Little Squeaks won't lack for Big Sister attention! Great to be with so much family.