Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Happy Halloween: Part II


After our Addie-focused morning, we spent the afternoon at Eliza and Xavier's school for their parades.   When Eliza, dressed as a ladybug, saw us though she refused to return to her class who was happily promenading around the school yard. She reluctantly took a lap or two holding Addie's hand, which was rather sweet actually. After the ceremonial walk-around, the girls played on the swings before we went to Xavier's class.

Camera Roll-232

Wingless but happy


auntie snorg said...

what a very very cute Ladybug!

Gran said...

Eliza is adorable - and much happier! Addie looks so regal on the swing, and then you get to the flip-flops! Good choice for comfort, Princess Addie!