Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A Pain Worse Than Labor Part II: The Mommy Monster

The Good News: The pain is pretty much under control. The Bad News: The infection has spread to my gums and jaw bone and my face, as a result, is puffed up and swollen. I am Puss Face.

After my initial root canal on Sunday, my face began to swell. I'm on antiobotics but they don't seem to have done much good yet. My face was swollen enough on Monday that the endodontist wasn’t able to use Novocain or finish the root canal. He had to go back in with hair-like files, do his dirty work, and hope that the tooth “drains”. It’s now Wednesday and I still look like a lopsided monster.

On Wednesday I headed back to Dr. Hakim's office. He drained the abscess by making an incision in my gum and then squeezing out the offensive matter - rather disgusting although I secretly wish I could have seen what that looked like. He said the Novocain would only be 60% effective because of the infection and be prepared for some pain. I tried some yogic breathing and managed to get through the ordeal rather well.

I’m at home again having completed 3 of 4 dental appointments. Basically, I'm exhausted and a little freaked out that my face has been swollen for so long. Addie’s pediatrician said it was okay to continuing nursing her which is such a relief, although I’ll feel better when I’m not feeding her a chemical cocktail. (N.B. to nursing moms - have an emergency supply of milk ready in the freezer.)

Cap and I have been trying to figure out exactly what I resemble in my current state – animal, vegetable or mineral. I think a spell took a wrong turn in transfiguration class and I look half Sarah/half . . . squirrel, beaver, chipmunk, hound dog, platypus? Cap said I just looked like I’d been hit in the face with a football minus the bruises. Last night he amended that statement and said I looked more like a Who from Whoville which is being rather generous sense they are rather a cute breed.

Addie and Cap have both been wonderful during all of this. Cap has come home from work when I needed to rest, watched Addie in his office when I had an appointment, fed her bottles, and cooked me dinner.

Here I am complaining about a tooth when the truly brave Mitty had his kidney removed and handled the surgery and his recovery with grace.

1 comment:

kitty said...

you're my new hero. this must really have sucked and you sound like you're doing beautifully. keep it up little chipmunk.