Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Plinkity Plunk Music

Addie has 2 Baby Einstein cds and I hate them. I guess Addie is going to be dumb, because I refuse to play these things. Jeannine and I call them Plinkity Plunk music. Sure it's Mozart or whatever, but it sucks. All the classics have been transferred to a basic plink plank plunk sound. Maybe Einstein's family owns a xylophone business. Or maybe they just have the patent on the effect for synthesizers.

While she may not have the privilege of B.E. indoctrination, she has been exposed to a wide variety of music because that's what we listen to at home. I think she's partial to the ever lovely Dolly Parton, Mit to Bob Dylan which makes sense since Addie shares his birthday (Bob's that is) and my Mom to Bach. Addie and I sometimes have Karaoke sessions at home to Dolly, CSN&Y or John Denver. I look up the lyrics on the internet, crank up the ipod and then I belt out the tunes. She smiles. Isn't it nice that she likes my singing?! (we video taped me singing Dolly Parton's The Seeker to Addie but I don't know how to get it off the camera . . .Cap. Help!)

1 comment:

kitty said...

i couldn't agree more. the most maddening, murderous music on the planet.