Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Happy Final Monthly Birthday Addie!

Today is Addie's 11th Month Birthday, the final celebration before she must be content with only annual celebrations. I don't think she'll mind but I'll miss them. I might sneak in a half birthday celebration in October. Before that I really should start planning her actual first birthday celebration since that involves invitations, cake and picking a date and a location. Poor gal's birthday is always going to fall around Memorial Day weekend. Well, I guess that's her fault for staying in the oven a week later then planned. All I have figured out for her party is that I want everything to be yellow. That's just like me to start with the minutiae and work outwards. I'm not a big picture sorta gal.

These photos were taken this morning when I should have been leaving for work, but I couldn't resist her playing in the sunspot outside our bedroom door. She loves that wooden puzzle of a farm. In honor of Earth Day and my guilt for being a massive consumer of baby products, I found a great second hand store and came home with two woooden puzzles. Guilt assuaged!

Happy Birthday little sunshine.


Anonymous said...

Happy 11th Month Addie, the last of the Monthly milestones and the beginning in one month of the yearly ones!

Love, Pop-Pop

Miss You, hope you are feeling better!

JB said...

Happy 11 months Addy - we are not too far behind, so we will be looking for 1st birthday tips! Have a great tiem organizing your yellow party. Great sunshine pictures!