Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Year Ago Sunday

Reid took this photo of me the day of my Baby Shower on April 8, 2006. Guess I should be saying something cliche like I can't believe it! or Time Flies. or Gee, I'm really glad I'm 40 pounds thinner now. or we sure scored a lot of loot at that party half of which we've outgrown already. and of course, something about how lucky I am to have Addie and how wonderful she is. All true. But indulge me for a few sentences. What really blows my mind is that if I had gotten pregnant on a different month, a different year we wouldn't have an Addie. We'd have somebody else. I can't imagine not having her in all her Addie-cake Addieness.

On my shower anniversary weekend I was also very lucky to have had Reid, my Godson Sawyer and the Pierce-clan come visit us this past weekend. I was recovering from several 2 am late nights at work and was feeling frazzled and tired so my apologies for my lackluster performance. I had planned on taking Good Friday off and playing with everyone, going to a cook-out and Easter Egg hunt at Baby Tayloe's house, but sadly I had a major deadline at work and missed the festivities. Cap took Addie and I hear there are cute photos of the 3 babies in a wagon. Please share! Thankfully we all got to hang out on Saturday and go to the Beach and the Santa Monica pier despite the gloomy weather. The two kiddos together were just deliciously cute even falling asleep together in the crib. What makes me sad is that we live so far away from each other and I don't know when we'll see each other again. Soon I hope. In happy news, today is Reid's Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Reid said...

yah! thanks for remembering. will post wagon photos soon.

jamie said...

happy birthday reid! :)