Thursday, June 21, 2007

Litter Warden and Medicine Man

The ear infection cleared up thanks to the tasty pink goop that Addie enjoys. She doesn't even mind her vitamin drops either although the smell is rather rancid. Addie is the only baby I know that takes vitamins. I don't take vitamins but maybe I should. After all, I don't think TJ's pizza is fortified with B12. Our pediatrician is a fan of vitamins though. Addie was on them when I was breastfeeding, off for formula, and now back on again since we've almost totally switched to cow's milk. What am I going to do with all the extra cash we have around now that we aren't buying cartloads of formula? Reinvest it in Addie's future? Why, get pedicures of course!

And for the litter warden. It's our new name for Addie who can while away her days picking up tiny bits of trash off the floor. Here she has carried the waste paper basket from our bedroom, where she had thoughtfully thrown away two clean diapers, into the kitchen where she is storing her blocks. I can see this being a very useful talent only so far she's only tossed away things we need. We have to check our trash cans before emptying any of them for fear she's stowed away something valuable. Like the remote to the hi-fi. Where is that remote?


Anonymous said...

Bless whomever made amoxicillan sweet and tasty. It far outweights a fussy child and sticky, quick-set medicine blobs that don't make it inside.

Sarah, you are such a good sport about my sharing memories of you when you were teeny, that I will proffer another.

Like Addie, you had a very tidy streak. For some period of time your favorite task was going into your father's closet and lining up his shoes, heel to toe, in a straight line. The shoe snake wove through the room, out into the hallway, to the head of the stairs. Then, one shoe per step, down the stairs they stepped, as far as the supply would reach. Sadly for me, you were totally into shoe as art medium, and not into returning them to the closet.

Sarah Q said...

i think that makes me manic, not tidy! Cap would never believe I was ever tidy. :)

Anonymous said...

I didin't realize I had so many shoes!!! Now if you would come and organize them now as they are thrown in the closet not even in pairs and buried under stuff.

Anonymous said...

heh - well the result of Addie's handiwork certainly does not involve tidiness, so i'd say it's definitely genetic! ;-)

Chria said...

Did you just call your stereo a "hi fi"? How delightfully anachronistic!


Sarah Q said...

you'll have to thank Apple for the term as I am neither delightful or anachronistic. or tidy.