Friday, August 10, 2007


Since my Dad noted that it has been almost a week since my last post, I thought it was my duty to fill the Addie-void despite the lack of available material.
After a lovely wine lunch in Los Olivos on the last day of our road trip, we stopped at the local market for a diet coke in a can (I insist on a can over a plastic bottle as I'm convinced it tastes better). There isn't much to say about the photo, but I like that it has a timeless appeal; we could be anywhere in the U.S. at any period of time .
We've almost been home a week, settling back into our normal schedule and routine. Monkey has tooth #10 coming in and last night she shrieked enough that we ended up bringing her into our bed where she flailed around punching me with arms, elbows, feet and knees. I gave up (rather impatiently after about 5 minutes) and slept on the couch. There I only get geriatric Didi waking me up every few hours so I can lift her back up on the couch where she curls up behind my knees and goes back to sleep. I'm ready for a two bedroom and a cat ramp.


Anonymous said...

Addie seems very much the scientist when she is investigating things.

kitty said...

coke in the can does taste better! and fountain beats all, don't you think? addie's a beaut.