Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Saturday we checked out the free children's music down at the Santa Monica pier. How come we haven't done that before? Silly us, it's free and it's fun. They had rattles (sponsored by Dimetapp) and other instruments, arts and crafts and a band all the way from Long Island. Addie spent most of the time running around behind the stage, behind the arts and crafts table or smack dab in front of the bubble machine. We gotta get a video of her saying "bubble bubble." Too sweet.
She also decorated a mask with stickers and watched me try to hula hoop. Then she discovered the back of the arcade where they have those ride-on kiddy cars. She got to sit in a tractor and a helicopter. I didn't even bother to put the .50 cents in the machine since she seemed to be enjoying herself without it jolting and rocking.
Addie loves helicopters. She always is the first to point one out in the sky - funny how we can usually spot at least 1 on a walk to the park. She loves to look at the film cell from Apocalypse Now that Cap has in a light box in our hallway. If you are carrying her she'll make you stop so she can point at the helicopter- nothing like a little napalm, dead bodies on the beach, Robert Duvall and a military helicopter to pique your kid's interest. When my brother was little, he couldn't say helicopter; he called them hepicoppers. I can't wait to see what Addie says. Right now she points and says burr burr (bird).


kitty said...

wake up with the waves is so fun. wanna go this saturday? you all should come with us to the sm airport sometime!
missing you guys ...

jamie said...

sounds fun! hepicopper is so cute.

Unknown said...

That first pic is so much an expression that I've seen on Sarah's face. How cool is that!